Ian Redwood
My Story
This year marks 50 years of hairdressing for me, and to celebrate this milestone I wanted to do something special. I don’t want it to be about me as such, but I want to do some good that will help others.
That is why I’ve decided to participate in the Moonwalk in London with a group of girlfriends to raise awareness and money for breast cancer care. This is something that has touched my heart many times through loved ones, past and present.
There are so many reasons why I have chosen this charity, but there is one very special reason. So here is a little bit about why it means so much to me and the celebration of 50 years in hairdressing.
I’m walking for one very special lady who changed my life just after my Mum died. Dorothy Langley. She stood on the parapet with me and put everything on the line so we could build a business together. She was always dedicated, hardworking and above all kind with the most wonderful sense of humour. I so enjoyed those days with Dorothy. It was great fun. We’d go off travelling, and do hairdressing things together, we were building a business so that we’d have something for the future.
Sadly for Dorothy the future we had only lasted 10 years. She died of breast cancer.
So when a great friend of mine Judi Thornberry suggested I do this walk with her and Alice, Stuart and Lynn for breast cancer, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to celebrate Dorothy, 50 years in hairdressing and have a little fun along the way with them both.
Of course, as a hairdresser, I have met many, many girls over the years, heard their stories, become a part of each other’s lives and very sadly have lost some to breast cancer. So I took Judi up on her offer and decided to walk for Dorothy and all of the girls we’ve lost to breast cancer, and to those who have bravely defeated it too.
We are called the Rocking Rollers (ha, who would have guessed … it’s the hairdresser in me!) and we will be donning our decorated bras to walk 26.2 miles on 20th May.
BJ (my husband for those of you who don’t know!) will be decorating my bra. The reason? Well, he’s super good at that sort of thing, but more importantly, I truly believe that Dorothy sent BJ to me. We met just a year after Dorothy died and have been together since. He is very much like Dorothy, he has looked after me, is my biggest cheerleader and I couldn’t think of a better person to create my bespoke ‘Dorothy Bra’ as it will become known!
If you’ve got this far, thank you, please donate to support us on our epic journey as we remember those we have loved and lost, celebrate those we are lucky to still have in our lives today, and, to mark the occasion of 50 years of hairdressing, something I have loved. It fits perfectly.
Please help me by giving whatever you can using the 'Donate' button. The more people that know about Walk the Walk, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!