Joanne Harris

My Story
Two years ago, I was just starting my treatment for breast cancer. It was a scary, surreal time, not least because we were in lockdown, and I was facing it alone, without the support of family and friends. Social media helped me then. It was my window onto the world; my connection with other people on the same quest to defeat Mr C.
Now I'm cancer-free, and just about to launch Broken Light, the novel I wrote during that time - a book about feeling invisible, social media, and coming into power.
And that's why this year I'm taking part in Moonwalk London 2023. Partly to prove to myself that I can and to celebrate my recovery; but mostly to show those still struggling that they're not alone, and to honour the memory of those unable to walk alongside us.
Please join me in helping them. Please donate - even the smallest sum will help. And do spread the word by sharing my page as widely as you can. My team is the Bernie Moonwalkers, after my story's protagonist. Because stories tell us that even the scariest monsters can be overcome; and cancer is a monster that we can help combat together.