Walk the Walk

The Virtual MoonWalk Scotland

Kirsten Griew

Kirsten Griew

My Story

I am very excited to be taking on the Moonwalk again - even if it means doing it alone this year!

June, the month of the challenge, marks 4 years since I was officially cancer free! What better way to celebrate than by raising money for a charity that helped me so much through my own difficult times. And, in fact, continues to help me this far down the line.

Although I have completed all necessary hospital treatments, I return to the Breast Clinic at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh every year for a check-up. Plus the Breast Care Nurses are still always available to me on the phone for any concerns. I have been reassured that if I ever have any problems with the operations I have had, that I will always be able to go back for further surgery. Over the years the clinic has received support and funding from Walk the Walk, which means that in turn the clinic can offer wonderful support to those of us who have been affected by breast cancer, both during treatment and in the years and decades that follow.

Walk the Walk fund all sorts of essential research and services related to breast cancer across the UK. Like most charities they have suffered from a huge drop in funding during the pandemic, at a time when the services they support have never been more in need.

COVID -19 has had a devastating impact for those living with cancer. For many it has been a lonely isolating experience that often means not being with family whilst undergoing treatment. The need for emotional and physical support has never been greater. Your support will help Walk the Walk to make invaluable Emergency Grants to front line services and charities to help those that need it most. Your funds will help us to do our bit in making sure that those living with cancer receive the support they need at this time. Donating now will really make a difference to those living with cancer, when they need us most!



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I am very excited to be taking on the Moonwalk again - even if it means doing it alone this year!

June, the month of the challenge, marks 4 years since I was officially cancer free! What better way to celebrate than by raising money for a charity that helped me so much through my own difficult times. And, in fact, continues to help me this far down the line.

Although I have completed all necessary hospital treatments, I return to the Breast Clinic at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh every year for a check-up. Plus the Breast Care Nurses are still always available to me on the phone for any concerns. I have been reassured that if I ever have any problems with the operations I have had, that I will always be able to go back for further surgery. Over the years the clinic has received support and funding from Walk the Walk, which means that in turn the clinic can offer wonderful support to those of us who have been affected by breast cancer, both during treatment and in the years and decades that follow.

Walk the Walk fund all sorts of essential research and services related to breast cancer across the UK. Like most charities they have suffered from a huge drop in funding during the pandemic, at a time when the services they support have never been more in need.

COVID -19 has had a devastating impact for those living with cancer. For many it has been a lonely isolating experience that often means not being with family whilst undergoing treatment. The need for emotional and physical support has never been greater. Your support will help Walk the Walk to make invaluable Emergency Grants to front line services and charities to help those that need it most. Your funds will help us to do our bit in making sure that those living with cancer receive the support they need at this time. Donating now will really make a difference to those living with cancer, when they need us most!